As we shelter in place to reduce the spread of COVID19, countless families are losing the work that pays the bills. Here are some of the resources available to those who need help now in Santa Clara County.
This situation is changing daily. We will do our best to keep this list up to date and accurate. See this spreadsheet for the latest updates and additional resources.
Food banks like Second Harvest and Sacred Heart are open and provide food to those in need. As schools are closed, youth under 18 are able to get grab-and-go breakfast and lunch at these locations.
Project Baseline is providing free COVID 19 testing to those at risk, check their website to see if you’re eligible. Other medical providers like AACI and Gardner Health Services are also providing support for medical services and advice.
Households who are eligible for rent assistance can apply through Sacred Heart and Destination: Home. This program is for those who have documented loss of income resulting from COVID-19 due to health, employment, or school/child care closures.
Workers’ Rights
If you are looking for more information regarding how to file Unemployment Insurance, Disability Insurance, or California Paid Sick Leave or to check if you qualify, reach out to Santa Clara County’s OLSE Advice Line at (866) 870-7725, staffed together with our partners in the Fair Workplace Collaborative.
Check out this spreadsheet for more resources, and be sure to follow us on Twitter for the latest updates.